GW School of Business
As a senior web developer at George Washington School of Business, my primary focus was redesigning all the department sites. The goal was to create a unified look and a unique feel. I kept the structure of the layout the same, but jazzed up the color schemes for each site.

For a business school, using a script typeface was a bold move, but we did it. The wordmark was set in P22 Cezanne, designed by James Grieshaber and Michael Want. Based on a faithful rendition of the Paul Cézanne’s handwriting, P22 Cezanne gave us a wordmark that stood out from other business schools, which used more serious sans-serif typefaces. The playfulness of the characters also gave us a human touch in the corporate world. I had a lot of fun using this script font for various applications.
GW Business
GW Business was a print magazine that published twice a year by the George Washington School of Business. Up until I joined the school, the only alternative version available online was a PDF file.
After I came on board, I decided to offer a web-standards version of the magazine for readability and accessibility. I designed a simple, clean, organized site. The focus was the content.

Graphic Design
In addition to web design and development, I offered graphic designs, which included digital banners and print marketing materials. Here are a few folder covers I had designed.