Donny Trương


Donny Trương

I’m Director of Design and Web Services at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School. I published Vietnamese Typography as my final thesis for an MA in graphic design at Mason’s School of Art. Since the launch of the web book, I advise type designers around the world on Vietnamese diacritics. I also wrote Professional Web Typography for a graduate independent study. I design logos, graphics, and slideshows. I enjoy writing, reading, and spending time with my family. I love skiing, snowboarding, rollerblading, and figure skating. For more information, check out my résumé or drop me an email.

Design Principles

  1. Establish trust
  2. Focus on core values
  3. Deliver unobtrusive experiences
  4. Eliminate distractions
  5. Simplify without sacrifice
  6. Optimize for clarity and speed
  7. Design for inclusion
  8. Enforce accessibility
  9. Build for resilience
  10. Enhance with care

I make websites for small businesses and organizations. I work with my clients to create digital experiences that focused on their audience and tailored to their brand. Take a look at the projects I have created. If you like what you see, let’s talk.